Unconscious Bias and the Therapeutic Space

About the workshop

‘Unconscious biases’ are the thoughts, feelings, ideas and perceptions that we hold about the world around us without even realising it. They develop throughout our lives as a result of a range of intersections and interconnected experiences which shape how we see the social, cultural and political world we live in. They operate at a subconscious level, and can inform our behaviours and attitudes to other people without us even realising it. Whilst they are a normal, human response to the world we encounter, they can also lead to undue influence on how we treat others, and can lead to prejudice, stereotyping, unfair treatment and discrimination – or, conversely, can lead us to be drawn to some types of people more than others.

It is essential that counsellors and supervisors are willing to explore their unconscious biases, and that they are open to self-challenge. How we meet our clients, the therapeutic experience we offer them, and how we present ourselves to our clients can all be heavily influenced by these unconscious thoughts, feelings and perceptions about others. Unconscious biases can have an impact on how we talk to our clients, the level of regard we are able to show them, how much we are able to build a relationship with them, how much we hold boundaries with our clients, and so much else.

This half-day workshop offers an opportunity to explore the concept of unconscious bias in more depth, and to look at our own unconscious biases in our practice. We will explore the nature and origins of unconscious bias, and provide space to look at our own thoughts, feelings and perceptions of our clients and colleagues, grounded within a framework of both self-compassion as well as honest self-challenge. The workshop will therefore allow practitioners to better understand their unconscious biases, and we will spend time looking at how these might affect effective therapeutic practice and our ethical responsibilities to those we work with.

Who is it for?

The workshop is open to all counsellors, students and supervisors. Given the nature of the content and its focus on client work, it is especially suited to those currently in practice. However all attendees will have the opportunity to explore the concept of unconscious biases and client work, whether they are currently in practice or not.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, attendees will:

– know more about the nature and origins of unconscious bias;

– be able to better understand and articulate their own unconscious biases;

– have a richer understanding of how unconscious biases can influence client work and the counsellor’s own experience of the therapeutic space.

About the trainer

ROB RHODES-KUBIAK is an integrative counsellor, working predominantly from a person-centred perspective. He completed his counselling training with Cara Counselling Training.

Rob has worked in a number of counselling agencies, with a particular focus on homelessness and domestic violence. He currently manages a counselling service for homeless people and runs a private therapy practice.

He has a wide range of professional experience in working in the field of inclusion, equality and diversity and across the voluntary and charity sector in the UK and post-conflict countries. Working inclusively and challenging discrimination are central tenets of his counselling practice. Rob has delivered numerous trainings on unconscious bias, discrimination and inclusive working.

Key facts

Workshop Date: 4th March 2023

Workshop Duration: 9am to 12.30pm

Participants: Maximum of 30

Workshop Fee: £50

Location: Worthing College

If you need any further information about this course please email info@caracounsellingtraining.co.uk.


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